Starting out as an adaptation of a theme park ride of the same name, Pirates of the Caribbean soon went on to become one of the most popular franchises, featuring a beloved character, Captain Jack Sparrow, largely shaped by the actor portraying him, Johnny Depp. However, amid uncertainties regarding Depp's reprisal of the role, there have been discussions surrounding which actor can potentially replace him as Jack Sparrow in future installments. Featured Video Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean And based on a theory surrounding the character, the Oscar-nominated actor Robert Downey Jr. could be the perfect actor to further bring the iconic character to life in the next Pirates of the Caribbean installment. Advertisement Why Robert Downey Jr. Could Take Over as Jack Sparrow in the next Pirates of the Caribbean ? A compelling theory surrounding the iconic character Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean film series has emerged, which suggests t...
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